/ Management Team

Meet the Team

Our management team consists of experienced professionals with an extensive track-record of building, transforming, and scaling industrial SMEs with a sustainable focus

Offering Best Practice Competencies Within Top-Class Operations

People are what make an organization. The solid business experience of our management team is what enables us to build and transform industrial SMEs to compete on a global scale. Each member of our management team offers specific skills that contribute to The Eltronic Business Platform.

The expertise they bring to the table means we can offer our companies best practice competencies within top-class operations, engineering technological platforms, and bringing products to market in a global context. Each member of the team contributes to one or more of our service areas: Operation Services, Financial Services, HR Services and Commercial Services.

Lars Jensen


Tel.: +45 40 14 56 44

Email: lj@eltronic-group.com

Jesper Rantala


Tel.: +45 27 24 60 03

Email: jra@eltronic-group.com

Leo Bøgebjerg


Tel.: +45 22 20 77 22

Email: lbo@eltronic-group.com

Tom Allan Nielsen

IT Director

Tel.: +45 25 65 49 49

Email: tan@eltronic-group.com

Annemette Sønderskov

HR Director

Tel.: +45 41 12 01 58

Email: HR@eltronic-group.com

Carl Jensen

Commercial Director

Tel.: +45 51 43 99 64

Email: caj@eltronic-group.com

Mikkel Secher

Finance Director

Tel.: +45 27 28 38 33

Email: mst@eltronic-group.com

Our approach to sustainability

We are dedicated to environmental and social responsibility and a sustainable approach to the way our companies are organized and led.

Find out more